Monday 11 April 2011

Wigan Mike

Wigan Mike (An Update).

I’m sure that most British White Nationalists will have heard of Wigan Mike and his imprisonment. It does seem like a long time since there was any mention of his plight on the good old internet. I don’t know, because I don’t ask others if they are still in contact with Mike, but I am, and I would like to try and put into words just why our Brother is stuck in jail, and how he is handling it all.

In July 2010, Mike was sentenced to 30 months for two counts of inciting racial hatred, a special law made up by the political elite enabling them to arrest and charge us any time they please. He was also found not guilty for two counts of soliciting murder. His “crimes” were committed on a closed internet forum, which had not been used for over a year by the time he was arrested. His defence tried to reason with the court that the forum was not on view to the public, and that the posts in question were just exuberant banter between Comrades. They also protested that Mike’s right to freedom of speech was being denied to him. The prosecution, however, argued that although Mike had the right to hold his own views, as abhorrent as they might be to the ‘rest of society’, that posting them on the internet was tantamount to influencing others. They said that the two messages they used to charge him with had received replies that were in breach of the laws regarding hate speech. The fact that none of the views posted on that forum would ever be seen by, or cause any upset or distress to any non-participating member of the public, did not matter at all.

Initially Mike was sent to Liverpool prison, not a nice place by anyone’s standards. A category B prisoner, he adjusted reasonably well to the regime, immersing himself in his Odinist Religion, and studying for a few qualifications in Information Technology. Just before the Yuletide he was downgraded to category C and transferred to Leyland prison. There didn’t seem to be much difference between categories B and C, with the exception of him now having the use of a kettle in his cell, the ability to make himself a lovely ‘brew’ whenever he pleased.

Mike’s cell is on a wing that has a lot of black prisoners, of course the prison officers know Mike’s views, but have only agreed to “review the situation” if he is attacked! In reply to this Mike has, quite reasonably stated, that he won’t cause any trouble in there, but will fight back if attacked and does not intend to be a target for anybody. There have been one or two tricky occasions where he has been asked if and accused of being a member of the BNP, something he can quite honestly deny. It seems that the majority of his ‘fellow inmates’ have no idea that there are other Nationalist organisations out here.

In Liverpool Mike could receive books, items of clothing, and gifts from outside, in Leyland the rules are different, and nothing is allowed in. Back in August 2010 he was taken some new training shoes, as all he had to wear on his feet were the shoes he had worn to court. Those trainers are pretty much worn out now, as he wears them every day, and does his daily work out in the gymnasium wearing them. He has tried to buy some new trainers three times up to now, and each time he was told there were none in stock. The prison had refused to allow him any books on Odinism, and have even confiscated his beloved Thor’s Hammer pendant. Not standing for this shoddy regard for his beliefs, Mike saw the prison governor, wrote to prison newspaper Inside Times and to the Prison’s Pagan Minister. Eventually he was given back his pendant, and is now allowed to purchase the books and runes, also he now receives visits from the Pagan Minister, on the last visit receiving some hot cross buns, chocolate eggs, and pictures of spring greenery with which to decorate his cell. Things we on the outside would not spare a passing thought about, but can really cheer you up when you are living day to day in one of Her Majesties prisons.

Mike has carried on with his IT studies, while also doing courses in bricklaying and joinery, this as well as doing his prison work. He is doing his best to fill in the time, but men like Mike don’t belong in a place like that and he is constantly aware of the price he has paid and is continuing to pay, just for having beliefs that do not coincide with our mainstream liberal society. This doesn’t only affect his private life, where he is a father with sole custody of his teenaged daughter, but it also impacts on his ability to make a difference in our political and racial struggle for the 14 Words.

We, his comrades and any other White Nationalists would do well to learn from this, remember what has happened to Wigan Mike could happen to almost any of us at any time in the future. Please remember this when you are about to click on the send button, no matter where you are on the internet or how private you think it might be. The threat to us all is very real, Mike is not the first and he won’t be the last.

To help Mike get through his ordeal we have a pay pal account set up for his canteen, and spends etc.

The email address used for donations is


  1. thanks for this update . and it's good to know that people are still thinking about Mike .

    cheers skeg .

  2. My Honour Is Loyalty Skeg, 8/266!


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