Wednesday 10 August 2011

So They're Rioting Now!

The big news this week is that for the past four nights, there has been rioting, looting, mass mugging, and even arson attacks in nearly all our major towns and cities. The FACT that the places most affected have the highest percentages of non whites, never gets a mention in any of the media reports, nor does the FACT that nearly all of the perpetrators are non white. The excuses were being made almost immediately as the rioting started, the police have never been in control of the situation as they struggle to contain the mobs without violating their "human rights", and the only act of defiance thus far has been a crowd of, mainly white, people, waving brooms and dust pans in the road. One brave woman "husband probably hiding behind her" even dared to declare, "and if they come back tonight we will be back to clean up tomorrow", good job it is not cold lest we run around wiping their noses for them!

All this has got me thinking, because this is not the first time that immigrants and their decendents have rioted here, and rioting is hardly the worst crime they enjoy getting away with in Britain either. Over the decades, since the unopposed invasion began, we have had numerous riots, but of course there are so many more of THEM now. We have also seen our people mugged, raped and murdered. We have seen our young people become victims of drug pushers before they are old enough to understand what they are doing to themselves, and we have seen non white groups grooming little white girls for sex and prostitution. Meanwhile the floodgates remain open, and the invasion continues uncontested. Those responsible, the politicians, have been called back from their holidays to do a little finger wagging. Yesterday the Prime Minister even threatened those who commit crimes with "the full force of the law", shouldn't they already be aware of that?

As a nation we have proven to be too much of a soft touch. The reason we have so many immigrants is because we have allowed them to settle here, nevermind the politicians letting them in. The reason they feel bold and brazen enough to commit so many disgusting crimes, is because we have always let them get away with doing just that. The only thing that is new about this latest non white crime wave, is the use of Internet social sites, like Facebook, to coordinate the riots, as our police are pulled from pillar to post.

So who is really to blame for all this trouble on our island? Well it is those who failed to defend it. The governments of the last fifty years or so, and those who continually elected them. In short we are all to blame, and it is time to clear up this mess we have made. Not with brooms and dust pans this time either.


  1. So what do you suggest "Williamson"? BNP? NF??

    Some of us have been there and done that, and still have the scars and bad memories from it. Nationalism in the UK is a joke.

  2. Well, Nationalists didn't cause any of this national strife, that's for sure. Quips about the BNP and NF at this stage are not very productive IMO. We need to come up with solutions, not continual finger-pointing; shouldn't we all call a 'truce' between different factions, that might be a start.


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