Wednesday 7 November 2012

Left Right and Centre!

Left, Right, and Centre.

When I was a teenager, many moons ago, I became interested in politics. It was the 4th of May 1979 and Maggie Thatcher was elected for the first time. After a decade of coalitions and week governments, Maggie was a right wing Conservative Tory leader, hell bent on breaking the strangle hold the of the trade unions, cutting taxes and paying back the national debt.  After the initial outcry from the said unions, the strikes, the protests etc, she did start to reach some of her goals. However she had promised to deal with the problem of immigration, the one promise she never intended to keep. Indeed as she continually clashed with the unions, she would rely on foreign labour to replace striking workers. Maggie also rejected interference from the European Union, and it was splits over this that would see her eventually removed as leader by her own party (28 November 1990).

Because Mrs Thatcher was removed during the tenure of a Tory government, her successor would become Prime Minister as soon as the party chose him. Enter John Major, a centre right Tory who was, by all accounts pretty dull compared to Thatcher. He did, amazingly win the next election, but the Tory grip on the nation was in decline, and to this date they have still to gain an overall majority government.

The tragedy of British politics would, on 2 May 1997 career headlong into the downward vortex that is thirteen years of Labour government. Firstly with centre left Tony Blair, the grinning war criminal. As with every Labour politician, Blair loved throwing public money around like so much confetti. He also became so pally with the US, that we would become embroiled in more conflicts around the world than under any other prime minister in our history. During the reign of Phoney Tony our economy boomed and then spectacularly bust. Tony would step down voluntarily on the 27th June 2007, and hand over to his former chancellor.

And so our new prime minister would be Gordon Brown, a Scottish left wing Labour man. This disgusting specimen promised much, but delivered a lot less than nothing, and national debt sky rocketed during his relatively short time as prime minister.  

By the time of the last election (11th May 2010), the electorate had become so disillusioned with politicians that we now have a coalition government for the first time since the 1970's.  With the Tories joined by MP's from the Liberal Democrats, we now have a government fully loaded with excuses. Promises made by the Conservatives led by David Cameron have never been so easily broken, as their Liberal cohorts object to policies such as opting out if the European bill of human rights. For those who are unfamiliar with that bill, it gives criminals convicted in our courts the right to appeal to a court in Brussels. Foreign terrorists have had their convictions overturned by the European courts, making it both arduous and expensive to deport them.

So within the space of the last 33 years, we have very literally been pulled left right and centre by British politicians. We can surely see that no matter who we elect, the house of commons will always contain the same politicians, regardless on where in the house they sit. A former prime minister will usually  either retire to the back benches, or take his place as leader of the opposition. In two years time the electorate might well decide to elect Ed Milliband.  When will they realise that all they are changing is the seating arrangement in the House of Commons? The only difference between Cameron and Milliband is rhetoric, they are merely different sides of the same rusty old coin.

Is it any wonder some of us are sick to death of politics, it's pointless!

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Learning from past mistakes?

When the Berlin wall came down I remember the Zionist press harping on about how the East and West of Germany was about to become the big new democratic (Liberal) utopia, a place where only the sub species could ever speak their minds, and only white people could ever be found guilty of so called "race crimes". That was over 20 years ago, and now all of North America and Western Europe are singing from the same hymn book. 

So,  what happens next? We have been lied to for all these decades, and countless billions of our money has financed the lie that democracy, equality, mass immigration all work for the betterment of out nations. Now our taxes are not enough to prop up the democratic process. So they sell off our gold reserves just before the price of gold goes through the roof, then tell us to tighten our belts, while they swan around in the most expensive cars, driving between their two homes.  You would think the voting public would realise by now,  that electing one of the major parties is the equivalent of patting the politicians on their heads and congratulating them for a job well done. The only job they have ever done properly is to separate us all from our last ten pence. 

Ok, so how do we fix this? Well because of our intrinsic class system, the painfully slow awakening of the white man, will start at the bottom, (unemployed and lower working class, it might be another ten years before the higher waged working classes and the middle class wake up and smell the coffee. Forget the upper classes they will never have any desire to change a system, that has made, and/or kept them in clover for all these years?

I know it seems like an insurmountable objective, things have surely gone too far? The trouble is we will never find out, if we don't at least try, but we have to be careful. The draconian laws put in place to keep us down are reinforced almost every year, and we cannot make a difference if we are sat in one of Her Majesties gulags. Sadly it is no longer just what we do that can land us in bother, people are getting into trouble because of the things they say now, and it will get a lot worse before it gets any better. 

As for the Berlin Wall? Well it would have been better if they had left it up. Without it the East of Europe is now being relentlessly invaded, as parasites scramble for a foothold in what they no doubt still regard as virgin territory. Our Brothers and Sisters in the East are still trying hard to hold on to their lands, but as time goes by they are finding themselves immersed in the same kind of sewage that has been flooding the west for over fifty years now. As we fight to to regain a nation we have all but entirely lost, we can only look on in despair as our racial brothers in the former Soviet Block, are forced to surrender their lands to invaders from all the worlds most disgusting countries. I do hope they have observed the way that most white westerners have contributed to our own downfall.

If so, them they can learn from our mistakes, and prevent the ever increasing brown tide. 

Monday 15 October 2012

JT misrepresented by vermin!

How Far Will We Fall?

This past weekend saw British Nationalism plunge to new depths. Of course it has been in free fall for some time, so one is entitled to ask how it could suddenly get worse. Well I'm referring to the farcical excuse for a Friends of John Tyndall meeting. 

Organised by the very worm who tried to extract money out of a dying man, and then when the man died, attempted to get his lawyers to change his will. The worm who tried to rob young Miss Hague of her inheritance. A meeting chaired by the comically illiterate Steptoe lookalike, Keith Axon. Also at the top table was the most known snitch in the movement, the "man" who grassed on his own brother, and solicited murder on his joke of a blog,  Peter Barker.

What makes it all worse is that there was two or three respected nationalist sharing that top table, I only hope that they are not permanently contaminated,  along with the sacred memory of the great man himself, John Tyndall. 

Thursday 6 September 2012

A higher power and White Nationalists?

A higher power!

Difficult subject this, religion and White Nationalism. It was the same back in World War Two, when German National Socialists actively sought a higher power. 

Many of today's White Nationalists are Odinists,  yet Adolf Hitler is quoted as having said on 14 October 1941: "It seems to be inexpressibly stupid to allow a revival of the cult of Odin/Wotan. Our old mythology of the gods was defunct, and incapable of revival, when Christianity came...the whole world of antiquity either followed philosophical systems on the one hand, or worshipped the gods. But in modern times it is undesirable that all humanity should make such a fool of itself." 

But then again David Eden Lane, who was responsible for authoring the Fourteen Words, believed that all the major religions were Judaic and therefore vulnerable to the forces of Zionism. He therefore insisted that Wotanism was the purest religion for the Aryan race. 

This might leave one wondering which of our great Aryan men was right about religion. Hitler was somewhat cagey about his own faith, although it is widely understood that he was baptised into the Catholic Church.

David Lane left none of us in any doubt, even declaring that he chose the name Wotanism instead of Odinsm, because Wotan could also be an acronym for "Will Of The Aryan Nation".

Today White Nationalism is kind of a broad church, with many Christians in the US, and many Atheists in the UK. Europe is a right mix up depending upon which nation you choose to visit.

Personally I now believe that the search for this (these) God(s), is a complete waste of our time. You know if you believe in something. If not then you are a none believer, an Atheist. 

One thing is for sure, if there is someone up there he has plenty of time, and has done us no favours. We are running out of time, and expect no help from anyone, divine or otherwise.

Sunday 5 August 2012

The National Action Party by Eddy Morrison

The National Action Party was founded on the 1st January 1982 at a meeting of around 80 people at a hotel nears Kings Cross Station. Its insignia was the flash in the circle and members were uniformed at private meetings - wearing a brown shirt, black tie and black trousers as well as the party armband which was red with a white circle and black flash.

The NAP was at first based on the Acton and Ealing areas of London where I lived at the time (1980 - 1984), and we were lucky in that we recruited ex-NF Ealing Organiser Gary M. and his wfe who knew a real team of Chelsea lads all of whom joined and on a "Day Of Action" - usually two a month we could muster 30 - 50 street activists and descended on a selected area firsly in Greater London but as the Movement spread rapidly especially into Surrey we hit a lot of Surrey and then Sussex towns, eventually having units in Hove and Brighton as well as plenty of places in between.

The NAP at its height at around 400 members divided up into three divisions - the Division One members were the activists and were pledged to give three nights or times each week for activities, some lads (and lasses did more - Billy from Ealing went out leafletngn every day as I remember - on his own.)

We spread into the Midlands and had a toehold in the North with members in Leeds, Bradford, Manchester and Liverpool. We also had a small Ulster unit. We also spread into Wilstshire and Devon. We also a a strong Youth Action section led by Adrian W.

I remember our first "Day of Action" - in our first month - January 1982 when we hit Kingston-Upon-Thames where there was a CND festival being held. It was disrupted that badly by the NAP (we had a special "CND are commies" leaflet) and with stalls overturned and red activists scuttling for cover around 30 of us established ourselves in Kingston town centre and gave out around 2000 leaflets.

Days like that were frequent and always fairly violent - one of the worst was the heavily Black area of Wood Green in North London where we were attacked by a large Black gang and a street fight ensued with one of our Surrey unit leaders suffering a fractured skull. Oh the joys of the NAP! He's ok now by the way....

The NAP wasn't in existence long just under 3 years but they were 3 years of INTENSE activism and we reaped the benefits in a very rapid expansion of membersip and units and above all quality of men and women whom we attracted. When I look at the milk and water Nationalist paries strutting around the scene today and who have never seen anything like that level of activisim (even the so-called National Socialist ones) then I am mightly glad, gone though it is, that I was the leader of the NAP.

Eddy Morrison

Saturday 28 July 2012


I have believed for some time, that most of the so called "democratic" West, is controlled by Jews and other Zionist forces, in London's City. The financial big wigs who finance conflicts in faraway lands, then announce that we are skint, all our gold reserve was sold on the cheap, and we now require austerity measures. This whole fiasco plays out like an old black and white television drama, yet the majority of Westerners just can't see it. The City still has an empire and it is forcing us (US & UK) to help them extend it.

It all starts with news bulletins announcing that some or another foreign dictator is murdering his own people. They don't like to tell us who this tyrant used to work for, or from whom he aquired his weapons. Not long after this they are discussing his case at the good old United Nations, where it might take a while to get China and Russia to agree with military action. So they send in some UN observers, men who are not even permitted to return fire, should they find themselves under attack. Sooner or later a couple of them are killed by said tyrant, and that is it, US/UK soldiers are on their way.

Iraq is more or less a puppet "democracy", appart from the odd insurgant, who is almost always said to have come from a neighbour state like Iran, a nation that has long been in the cross hairs of the west (ZOG if you prefer). Over in Afghanistan the fighting continues, and the coffins of our young men continue to roll back to be buried with full military honours, which they deserve. Meanwhile back at the mother ship new conflicts are being planned, and the politicians await their briefing.

I understand why they parade the coffins draped in our national flag, to them it is a way to whip up patriotic support for whatever conflict they have involved us in, and it works. Like every right minded individual I too support our troops, no matter what they are sent to do. I don't support the warmongers who send them, and I wonder if they will ever tell us how much this all costs us. We know it is costing lives, but they don't tell us how much money.

World recession my arse, we are skint because we are flushing tax payers money down the toilet, sending our kids to fight and die. Meanwhile even India and Brazil have more money than us. Still ZOG wants to extend their borders, and to hell with the rest of us...

Friday 6 July 2012


If anyone was unsure about just how much debt the previous (Labour) govt has left us in, and just how ineffective the current (Lib/Con) establishment has been when it comes to stabilising our economy, then look at the late night news. The government has just come up with an idea, and it is one that has been attempted in the past.

"Quantitive Easing is an unconventional monetary policy used by central banks to stimulate the national economy when conventional monetary policy has become ineffective."

Of course this government has not and will not admit that their monetary policy is ineffective, they are sticking to the fact that the previous regime got us into this mess in the first place. The trouble is, that this quantitive easing involves the printing of 50 Billion pounds, with which the central bank will invest in financial assets to inject a pre-determined quantity of money into the economy.

In layman's terms they are going to make our money worth less, because inflation will rise to pay for the new money. They will then invest the money, in other words gamble with it in the hope that it will kickstart the economy. If it works, they will tell us on the news that the economy has risen half a percent, if it fails they will raise taxes and cut public services. So quantitive easing is a risky business, to the general public, because if it fails we pay.

One example of a government printing more money was in Germany in the early to mid 1930's. Inflation skyrocketed culminating in sack loads of deutschmarks being required to buy simple groceries. We all know that the financial mess was part of the reason Germany elected the NSDAP. Unfortunately that is not what how the British public will react, should the worst happen here. There will be a confidence ballot in the house of commons, the coalition will lose, an election will be called, and Labour party will be elected, again.

It is time for White Nationalist influence in British politics. But don't be holding your breath waiting for this. The electorate (sheeple) are just too spineless, it'll be same old same old.

Friday 15 June 2012


RIP Tony Hancock,

I was very sad to hear about the untimely death of print factory owner Tony Hancock of Uckfield.

Tony was a a rarity, a one off. A man who knew just about everyone, yet never got involved in the ridiculous infighting that has plagued our movement for so long. That doesn't mean he didn't have s sense of humour or mischief.

It was Tony who helped me get a venue for my meeting in Hove, not far from where the late John Tyndall had lived, a few years ago. That was the day when I handed over my customary job of chairing the meeting to young Dave Jones, so that I could sit back and listen to the speeches of Eddy Morrison Peter Rushton, and Lady Michelle Renough. One of if bit the best BPP function I had ever attended.

Tony's factory was notorious, and the reds and other antis set fire to it on more than a couple of occasions. This did not deter Tony, who continued to run his print factory and keep the most comprehensive collection of Nationalist and revisionist books and magazines I have ever seen. He also printed for many different groups and parties. I can't see who could possibly replace him, especially in today's climate of infighting and orchestrated division.

Very sad news, Sid.

Thursday 14 June 2012

Politics The New Religion!

Over goodness knows how many thousands of years it has been pretty easy to guess the cause of most conflicts , between either two neighbouring countries or different groups within one. It was almost always religion, indeed it has been ever since the Judaic religions were imported from the middle east. Let us be in no doubt about it, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, they are all Semitic religions, as they all started in that region. Then of course there was huge upheaval between Christians / Jews and the Muslims, from the first crusades, to 9/11, to Osama bin Laden's capture and convenient burial at sea. As things stand the never ending images of flag draped coffins arriving at airbases is, to me, a constant reminder, of how many conflicts have been started because of politics in the 20th and 21st century. I can only imagine the horror of repatriating the amount of brave men and women, who were killed in the two pointless world wars that were also fought over politics. I mean how many of our WW1 soldiers would have even heard of the Arch Duke Ferdinand? There was no Internet back then, so how could one investigate and find out the truth, they didn't really know what they were fighting for.

We cannot fight another World War, not when so many nations have nuclear weapons. So because the Zionist plotters want to keep our numbers down, they manufacture situations that lead to us (mostly the US and UK), into conflicts that go on for years, and see the best of our young men and women fighting thousands of miles away, and being killed fighting wars that have little or nothing to do with us.

Of course the Afghans, Iraqis, Syrians, Iranians, etc are fighting for their land, and doing so in the name of their religion. For what do we send our young boys and girls overseas to risk their lives? In a nutshell it is oil and politics, usually both as the oil supplies begin to run out, then the US will do whatever it takes to consolidate their huge supply.

The Afghan conflict is riddled with intrigue and hypocrisy, and it didn't start in this century either. It was back in the 70's and 80's. Firstly when Iran waged war on neighbours Iraq. America and its lap dog Britain took sides with Iraq, because the Soviet Union were helping Iran. Then of course the Soviet Union started a war with Afghanistan, which predictably led to the USA & UK helping to both train and arm the Afghans. Subsequently the Iraqis beet the Iranians, and the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan unconditionally. So what has all this twenty - thirty year old news got to do with today's conflicts? Well everything is the answer to that!

With the collapse of communism in the 1990's, the focus shifted, once again, to the Middle East. Iraq was a huge military power in that region, and they have the world an excuse to attack them when they invaded their neighbours Kuwait. After gaining the consent of the United Nations to drive the Iraqis out of Kuwait, American and British forces continued to bomb targets in Iraq, the excuse being that mobile Scud Missile units had been spotted, and with Israel in range of those missiles we just had to destroy them all. Subsequently Iraq was bombed back into the third world. They were like I said before a military force in that part of the world, but this was because of weapons and training provided to them by the US during the Iran / Iraq war. The final conflict between the US and mainly British allies culminated in the removal of the Iraqi government and the installation of a regime that was more pleasing to the US and of course Israel.

In between the three wars in the Middle East, came what will be forever known as 9/11 (2001). For those who don't already know, this is when three passenger airplanes were hijacked. Two of the planes were driven into the world trade centre (twin towers) in New York, the other was aimed at the pentagon. The twin towers came down almost concertina like, and an estimated 4 thousand lives were lost. We were told that there was not much damage or loss of life at the Pentagon, if there was then such information will never see the light if day. An extremist Islamic group called al qaeda announced responsibility, with it's leader Osama bin Laden sending out the first of many messages telling all of the worlds Muslims to fight a jihad (holy war), against the infidels (non believers) of the western world. A few years later 7/7/2005 suicide bombers detonated themselves on busses and underground trains in London during the morning rush hour, killing 52 and injuring 700. By now US and UK troops had already invaded Afghanistan looking for Bin Laden who also calmed responsibility for the London bombing.

On the 15 December 2003 the president of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, the man responsible for atrocities and war crimes was found hiding in a hole in the ground under a two roomed mud shack. He was tried for his crimes by a court strung together by the new puppet regime, put in place by the western allies, he was eventually found guilty and was executed on December the 30th 2006. This did not totally end the Iraq war, British and US troops and special agents are still there, training police and building Iraq's new army. Insurgents still attack and blow themselves up, but it is reportedly much more peaceful now.

On the 2nd of May 2011, Osama bin Laden was captured and killed inside a Pakistani military installation by US navy seals. The decision was apparently taken to bury him at sea, in order to prevent his remains from being made into some kind of martyrs shrine. This unfortunately installs a certain amount of doubt, did they really catch and kill him? Why are there no photographs? One thing is certain, our brave men and women are still being sent to Afghanistan, and some are still coming home in coffins.

As I write this, the US have been issuing all kind of threats towards Iran, who are said to be close to processing military grade plutonium. There has been little more news about this, which leads one to believe they now have the bomb. Nations who have nuclear capabilities are seldom even threatened these days. So now we are hearing about civil war and the slaughtering of civilians in Syria, and of course America are trying to get UN backing for military intervention there.

To be honest I'm becoming tiered of writing this now, it is obviously never going to end, unless the entire middle east surrender to the US and become Israel friendly puppet stated with US styled democracy (Zionism).

Thursday 19 April 2012

Thinking Outside The Pen!

Think outside the pen by Sid.

Now I'm sure you have heard the word "sheeple" banded about, it is not in the dictionary and therefore not a real word. Unfortunately they do exist, they meaning the sheeple. They don't just exist, they are literally everywhere. Members of our families no doubt fit the description, the overwhelming majority of white people do. If you blindly accept the official explanation for anything and everything, if you go through life believing everything you hear, read, and see on the television, then you are yourself a sheeple. The existence of such gullible human beings is the product of many decades of social engineering and widespread brainwashing. Being a sheeple does not mean being unintelligent, indeed some of the most intelligent people in the world, even in the history of the world, are and were sheeple. They wrote the text books that are used to educate our children, and in doing so turn them into sheeple. They built a psychological pen, into which all the worlds sheeple are hoarded. They wrote the history books, taught as fact and even studied to achieve qualifications. The history books are not meant to be challenged, some are protected by the letter of the law. A small amount of individuals, and it is unknown how, managed to avoid being brainwashed, formed opinions of their own, and were never rounded up by the enforcers or imprisoned in the psychiatric pen. Unfortunately there are laws in some nations that were made to safeguard the sheeple against such free thinkers. Great men and women have spent years in jail because they dared to challenge certain details of the official history of the world, that was written in stone. While inside the prison system they are subjected to a sustained and systematic overload of intense brainwashing, the idea being that once released they will join everyone else, in the pen. Just to make sure that a released prisoner is a fully fledged pen ready sheeple, strict parole regulations are put in place for months or even years from their release date. It seems that the harder one pushes against the system, the louder one argues with the official story, the more one learns about what really did happen during certain points in world history, the more the conspiracy there will be to make one into a criminal, a lunatic, or even a monster.

So are you yourself a sheeple? Are you happy to stand there day after day eating the rubbish they feed the occupants of the pen? Think about it, you have the potential to be a free thinker, we all do. Unfortunately most of us are so much more comfortable within the confines of the pen. What I'm going to express is my own opinion, I will refrain from using even the slightest hint of suggestion.

I know that it is possible to exist without believing anything just because I am told it is true. I have read the history books, and am certain that certain entries are to ridiculous or fantastic to be true. I write occasionally, just to be sure that I am not alone.

It has been a while since I was among those other free men and women, some of the most brilliant minds. Those who despite the enemies best efforts, are still able to THINK OUTSIDE THE PEN.