Thursday 6 September 2012

A higher power and White Nationalists?

A higher power!

Difficult subject this, religion and White Nationalism. It was the same back in World War Two, when German National Socialists actively sought a higher power. 

Many of today's White Nationalists are Odinists,  yet Adolf Hitler is quoted as having said on 14 October 1941: "It seems to be inexpressibly stupid to allow a revival of the cult of Odin/Wotan. Our old mythology of the gods was defunct, and incapable of revival, when Christianity came...the whole world of antiquity either followed philosophical systems on the one hand, or worshipped the gods. But in modern times it is undesirable that all humanity should make such a fool of itself." 

But then again David Eden Lane, who was responsible for authoring the Fourteen Words, believed that all the major religions were Judaic and therefore vulnerable to the forces of Zionism. He therefore insisted that Wotanism was the purest religion for the Aryan race. 

This might leave one wondering which of our great Aryan men was right about religion. Hitler was somewhat cagey about his own faith, although it is widely understood that he was baptised into the Catholic Church.

David Lane left none of us in any doubt, even declaring that he chose the name Wotanism instead of Odinsm, because Wotan could also be an acronym for "Will Of The Aryan Nation".

Today White Nationalism is kind of a broad church, with many Christians in the US, and many Atheists in the UK. Europe is a right mix up depending upon which nation you choose to visit.

Personally I now believe that the search for this (these) God(s), is a complete waste of our time. You know if you believe in something. If not then you are a none believer, an Atheist. 

One thing is for sure, if there is someone up there he has plenty of time, and has done us no favours. We are running out of time, and expect no help from anyone, divine or otherwise.

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