Monday 24 June 2013

Why Not UKIP?

During the recent county council elections, I was driving around East Sussex, and saw many houses covered in UKIP signs. Even a much respected comrade had the signs up, when I asked why, I was told they were the best option available in that area. I of course told my comrade that I would have preferred to spoil my ballot paper, but seeing as Brighton & Hove didn't have an election I didn't get the chance to do that. So why would I rather not vote than vote UKIP. The obvious reason is the lack of any racial policy, if anything they encourage the 'PC' approach, allowing anyone of any ethic group to join. They have done everything they can to distance themselves from us, so why the hell should we support / vote for them? But there is more! They have showed there hand in those elections, and even more recently in Scotland. Will Farage turn up in Wales next? Maybe Northern Ireland? What I know is that wherever he goes he will cause reactions.

Here in England, by standing in elections, they split the Tory right. If the same results were repeated in a general election they would probably get a handful of MP's elected. But the Labour Party would gain from the division caused with an elected majority government. This must be Farage's purpose, because UKIP are nowhere near big enough to form a national government, and they know it!

So what was all that fuss about in Scotland? Well they already have a nationalist party in Scotland, even if Alex Salmond and co are funded by Zionist divide and conquer merchants. There are also a great deal of left wing Labour voters. Both reacted somewhat violently when Farage visited Scotland. All this hiding in a pub and having to be driven away in a police van is good publicity. He may well get a handful of votes next time Scotland go to the polls, so who is he aiming to divide there? If it is the SNP, and right now I have no idea if it is, then Labour will win by a landslide. If they split the Labour vote and the SNP gains more seats, then political commentators everywhere will know for a fact that he is probably helicoptered into different areas in order to help his Zionist paymasters change the majority vote by causing all this division. This Farage character is no idiot, he is smart and he is articulate, he also appears to be a good strategist. My advise to any British Nationalist who see UKIP as the only way to stop LibLabCon, is to think again. It is a long game they are playing, but if they win it will not be a good thing for us. They might well get the other parties to give us a referendum on whether we stay in the EU, but in the long run they will be strategically placed in order to change the positions of the big three in elections.

Don't take them likely, they are a threat, but not to ZOG, to us

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