Saturday 19 February 2011

What must be done


White Nationalism has suffered for many years because of those who cannot be trusted, but continue trying to get involved on every level. The movement is literally riddled with wrong uns, many of whom have been around many years, and built up an extensive list of contacts. Unfortunately it is now time to look at the people who associate with these traitors and miscreants, because they are almost certainly providing them with information, unwittingly or otherwise.

This might all seem a little harsh, guilt by association isn't that the way ZOG judge people? The trouble is that most genuine White Nationalists and National Socialists want unity. We are continually outnumbered, and on almost every occasion the enemy are able to mobilise in large numbers to oppose any public activity. Even more serious is the fact that they have been known to turn up at RV points of non-public events and attack those who are waiting for directions to venues. One has to conclude that our enemies are obtaining information from within our groups, from people we know and trust as comrades, as brothers and sisters.

I believe the time has come, when we have to totally disassociate with the old women who gossip on the forums. Chat rooms where nobody really knows who is who should also be avoided like the plague. Anyone who is serious about this movement should be prepared to stand up and be counted, those who insist upon remaining anonymous obviously cannot be trusted as they are not ever going to be personally involved.

I hope I have given you something to think about here. Difficult choices will have to be made if we are to achieve the unity we desire, and to grow as a movement.

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