Saturday 19 February 2011



by Nova Albion on Wednesday, October 20, 2010 at 7:00am

As someone who was once a part of the most important movement in Britain, and indeed the world, I continue to look in from the outside and ask myself. I have come to a conclusion, and I will only refer to the United Kingdom on this occasion. It isn’t just Nationalism, White Nationalism, British Nationalism, or even so called Ethno Nationalism, it is us the white people as a whole. Everyone appears to have lost the plot. You might hear people saying, “I don’t like him because he supports the wrong football team”, that has been going on since way before many of us were even born, and still it goes on. Or you might hear people saying, “I don’t like him because he listens to different music and wears different clothing”, again this has been going on since goodness knows when. Maybe some poor chap is “scruffy”, a “chav”, “council house dole bum”, where does it end?

But then Nationalists are the same. Why are grass roots political activists fighting the pointless battles of their egotistical and power hungry leaders? Why doesn’t a hard working BNP activist salute the efforts of a hard working NF activist, and vice versa? So what if one is a middle aged man in a smart suit, and the other a twenty odd year old skinhead? Maybe if the two had a cordial conversation they might not put their leaflets through the same doors. Why would members of the smaller, more extreme White Nationalist parties be held in such low esteem, they are still our brothers and sisters?

The shunning of the EDL and ENR I do understand, however I was welcome to join a demo in my home town by the ENR not long ago, and I saw a few local senior Nationalists in attendance. However I cringed at the very sight of a Zionist Israeli flag being held by a young white lad at the front of the eventual march. I remember wondering if this lad was really pro Zionist, a Jew, or just some misguided teenager who had no idea what the damn thing stood for. I also remember the UAF / ANTIFA on the other side of the police lines, “Nazi scum off our streets”, they continually shouted. There were thousands of them, and I would estimate that 98% at least were white. There are many non-whites in my home town, (far too many for my liking), but they were only conspicuous by their absence. Whites Vs Whites yet again, and if the Israeli flag was there to prove we were not all hard core Nazis, then nobody was buying it. Why were these ignorant, albeit probably well meaning, people involved in the demonstration and march not being handed literature explaining why it is not just our national sovereignty that is dying an agonising death, but our National Racial Heritage? For my part I did try and talk to Bill Baker, who was approachable enough, until I introduced myself of course. Bill obviously knows what he is doing, and he must know what the implications of embracing Zionism will be. But it wasn’t him I was worried about; it was those who were following him, for they are being misled.

So there we have it, thousands of white Britain’s are so proud of their National identity, that they are prepared to take the risks involved in many different types of activism, for a multitude of different organisations. Bearing this in mind, one would imagine immense support for any nationalist demo, march, festival, meeting, social, etc, but it doesn’t quite work like that, does it? We are all to blame, and I most certainly don’t qualify as the one to cast the first stone. In my defence I say it is not so easy to see the whole picture when you are involved in one part of the movement yourself, but as a believer looking in from the outside, it all becomes perfectly clear. So I will summarise by saying this; we are our own worst enemies when we could be our own best friends.

To the many good white people who put in the work and the funding for the BNP, NF, BPP, and any other group that might have started in my absence, I salute you. To the well-meaning, but misled members of the EDL and ENR, I say I hope you gain a better understanding of what is going on in Great Britain, and take the next step into Racial Nationalism.

And to all the great people from all the different organisations who truly understand, I say this;


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